I am so sorry, I haven't posted lately!!! The girls and I, have been Sickly Sue's... We are all doing so much better now! Ruby Roo is still getting over it though..
Anyways, on with the post!!! ;o)
My 3 girls are BFFs, with the sweetest little girl named Sophie. Sophie was having a birthday comming up. So I made her 2 fun, Tu Tu's! I got the fantastic idea from Samsters Mommy, and Martha! Both super fantastic blogs you all need to check out.
One was pink with pom pom's! The other was purple with glitter hearts! I figured the glittered heart one could be Valentines Day themed...
The girls and I got glitter literally everywhere. I glued, they spread the glitter. It was too much fun! :) I am sure my husband is loving the Martha Stuart Glitter pack, he got me! Lol! I know the girls and I love it! For some reason the glitter is so hard to get out of my girls hair. It sticks to there scalp, no matter how many times I scrub the shampoo in... :)
~The Pink Tutu~

Ruby was my model for the tutu's. I reminded her many times, that Mommy was making the tutu's for Sophie.. Ruby was totally fine with that. I told her I would make her one soon. It was pretty cute though. She kept saying, "Mommy, I a ballerina!" She twirled and danced, it was so gosh darn cute!

~The Valentines day themed tutu~

The glitter hearts bounced around and didn't stay in one place...

Maybe having one side sticker tacky, might have been a good idea. That way I could have placed all the glitter hearts, where I wanted them to stay... It still turned out pretty darn cute, though!

Ruby made sure she told everyone at Sophie's birthday that, " My Mommy made this!" She went from person to person. It was the sweetest thing! Ruby was so proud of her Mommy!
I cant leave out my other 2.. Lydia and Gracie loved them! I let them try it on too! Surprisingly it fit all 3 of them perfect! Gracie wanted me to take her picture on her horse... She loves this horse so much... She askes me literally every night, if she can sleep on her horse! Lol!

My princess, Lydia Loo!
Those tutu's were too much fun! I think the next one, Ill try doing a couple layers of the tulle. More pockets to put fun stuff in. I have so many idea's, for the theme's! A garden theme, Easter theme, Oh and a Pink Victoria Secret dog theme! I have gotten a request for an adult size one too!!! I love it!!! Tutu's are sooo much fun!