Monday, July 12, 2010

~The Giveaway~ Winner is..........

Brett, Stephanie, and Augustine! 
I Had my girls pick the winner out of a hat!  It was soooo cute!  I took pictures and did a video too.  I tried most of the day, trying to upload the video.  I just cant get it to work...  :(
Here are a couple pictures!


Congratulations Brett, Stephanie and Augustine!!!!

Many Blessings to all~

P.S.  Find Love to craft by Chrissy on Facebook now too :)


  1. Yay!!!! I'm so excited!!! I've checked your blog several times this afternoon, LOL. Such cute photos of your girls.
    Any fun new projects in the works? I always have many projects going, but bringing them to completion is another story. :-)
    So I was thinking of getting a new fun shower curtain at CSN. I can't wait to look! Thanks Chrissy!

  2. Congratulations Stephanie!!!!
    You're the perfect person to win this!
    Love, Auntie Jean

  3. Congratulations Stephanie!!! I would have had it up sooner. I was messing with the video trying to get it up. Something new, I need to learn how to do. Lol! Yes, lots of projects going, I just need to focus on finishing them... I so understand! Lol!

    Please send me your email address, so I can get the gift card going :) Hopefully I will figure out the video soon! It was soooo cute! The girls love doing thee drawing!

  4. I just wanted to let you know I just (finally) used my giftcard! I've been holding on to it like a precious gem, since the options seemed limitless. :-)

    I'm planning to start doing some preschool homeschooling with Augustine at the start of the new year, so I got some things to help with that - an abacus, a geometric shape puzzle set, a magnifying glass, and a toy tape measure. I can't wait to get them! Yay!

    Have a wonderful and happy Thanksgiving!

